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Artists in Residency

Site Location: 51 10th Ave., New York, NY 10014

Project Description: Design a multifunctional space for artists in residency and the general public.

Concept: The design centers around creating an open, casual, and social environment with well-spaced elements that encourage interaction and creativity.

Key Design Elements: The space features vertical circulation with a skylight directly above the central area, serving as a communal hangout spot for both residents and visitors. The floors are designed with varying levels, incorporating ramps, stairs, and raised platforms to create dynamic movement throughout the space. Additionally, skylights above the bedrooms provide natural light and a connection to the outside environment.

Site information

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan

Section 1

Sections 2 & 3

Section 4

First floor rendering - Performance space & Hangout spot

First floor rendering - Hangout spot

Second floor rendering - Dining/Lounge/Kitchen Area

Second floor rendering - Dining/Lounge/Kitchen Area

Third floor rendering - Bedrooms

Third floor rendering - Bedrooms

Overall view of the physical model

Physical model - First floor entrance

Physical model - First floor entrance & hangout spot

Physical model - First floor hangout spot & performance space

Physical model - Second floor dining/lounge/kitchen area

Physical model - Second floor dining/lounge/kitchen area

Physical model - Third floor bedrooms

Physical model - Third floor bedrooms

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